Wednesday, March 25, 2009

CHEM 281: Food Chemistry Offered for Fall '09

A special topics course on the chemistry of food is being offered for Fall 2009 in the Chemistry Department.

CHEM 281: Food Chemistry
Food Chemistry is a 3-credit, non-lab chemistry course focusing on basic and organic chemistry as it applies to food. This class is appropriate for chemistry, biochemistry or biology majors wanting an elective chemistry course; for food & nutrition majors who plan to take FDNT 362; and other students with an interest in food chemistry who meet the prerequisite requirements. The course will include lectures on topics including but not limited to: carbohydrates, protein, fats, grains, fruits & vegetables, meat & dairy, fermentation, chemical processes in food preparation, molecular gastronomy, coffee & tea, flavor & aroma, food additives, and more. This course is not eligible as a liberal studies non-lab science course. PREREQUISITES: Successful completion of CHEM 102, CHEM 112, or CHEM 114, or completed credits that were accepted for transfer by IUP to count as one of the aforementioned courses.
For more information on the course, contact Dr. Nate McElroy.

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